
Euodia udiensis Hustedt ex Simonsen 1940

[Link to DiatomBase]

"Simonsen, R. 1987 . Atlas and Catalogue of the Diatom Types of Friedrich Hustedt. J. Cramer, Berlin & Stuttgart 2:1-395 pls."

Euodia udiensis Hustedt ex Simonsen 1987

[Link to DiatomBase]

"Simonsen, R. 1987 . Atlas and Catalogue of the Diatom Types of Friedrich Hustedt. J. Cramer, Berlin & Stuttgart 2:1-395 pls."

Euodia udiensis Hustedt ex Simonsen 1987

[Link to DiatomBase]

"Simonsen, R. 1987 . Atlas and Catalogue of the Diatom Types of Friedrich Hustedt. J. Cramer, Berlin & Stuttgart 2:1-395 pls."