
Nitzschia interfrigidaria McCollum 1975

[Link to DiatomBase]

"McCollum, D.W. 1975 . Diatom stratigraphy of the southern ocean. In: Hayes, D.E., Frakes, L.A., et al., Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, vol. 28. Washington (U.S. Government Printing Office) 28:515-571."

Nitzsch ia interfrigidaria McCollum 1983

[Link to DiatomBase]

"McCollum, D.W. 1975 . Diatom stratigraphy of the southern ocean. In: Hayes, D.E., Frakes, L.A., et al., Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, vol. 28. Washington (U.S. Government Printing Office) 28:515-571."