Cymatopleura acutiformis Z. Levkov & T. Nakov in Levkov, Krstic, Metzeltin & Nakov 2007 [Link to DiatomBase]
Cymatopleura albaregiensis (Pantocsek) Cleve-Euler 1934 [Link to DiatomBase]
Cymatopleura albaregiensis f. reducta (Cleve-Euler) Cleve-Euler 1939 [Link to DiatomBase]
Cymatopleura albaregiensis f. reducta (Cleve-Euler) Cleve-Euler 1939 [Link to DiatomBase]
Cymatopleura angulata Greville 1862 [Link to DiatomBase]
Cymatopleura apiculata W. Smith 1853 [Link to DiatomBase]
Cymatopleura calcarata Hustedt in Huber-Pestalozzi 1942 [Link to DiatomBase]
Cymatopleura calcarata Hustedt in Schmidt 1927 [Link to DiatomBase]
Cymatopleura calcarata Hustedt in Schmidt 1927 [Link to DiatomBase]
Cymatopleura clipea Berg 1945 [Link to DiatomBase]
Cymatopleura elliptica (Brebisson ex Kutzing) W. Smith 1851 [Link to DiatomBase]
Cymatopleura elliptica (Brebisson ex Kutzing) W. Smith 1851 [Link to DiatomBase]
Cymatopleura elliptica f. apiculata Cleve-Euler 1952 [Link to DiatomBase]
Cymatopleura elliptica f. constricta (Grunow) Skabichevskii 1960 [Link to DiatomBase]
Cymatopleura elliptica f. constricta (Grunow) Van der Werff en Huls 1961 [Link to DiatomBase]
Cymatopleura elliptica f. curta Cleve-Euler 1952 [Link to DiatomBase]
Cymatopleura elliptica f. discoidea (Wislouch & Kolbe) Skabichevskii 1960 [Link to DiatomBase]
Cymatopleura elliptica f. lata Hustedt in Schmidt 1912 [Link to DiatomBase]
Cymatopleura elliptica f. nobilis (Hantzsch) Van der Werff en Huls 1957 [Link to DiatomBase]
Cymatopleura elliptica f. nobilis (Hantzsch) Hustedt 1957 [Link to DiatomBase]
Cymatopleura elliptica var. brunii (Petit) Cleve-Euler 1952 [Link to DiatomBase]
Cymatopleura elliptica var. hibernica (W. Smith) Van Heurck 1896 [Link to DiatomBase]
Cymatopleura elliptica var. hibernica (W. Smith) Van Heurck 1896 [Link to DiatomBase]
Cymatopleura elliptica var. incisa Cleve-Euler 1952 [Link to DiatomBase]
Cymatopleura elliptica subsp. hibernica (W. Smith) Skabichevskii 1960
Cymatopleura internationale Bahls 2013
Cymatopleura kolbei Skvortzow 1971 [Link to DiatomBase]
Cymatopleura kolbei Skvortzow 1969 [Link to DiatomBase]
Cymatopleura librile var. apiculata (W. Smith) Descy 1983 [Link to DiatomBase]
Cymatopleura librile var. regula (Ehrenberg) Descy 1983 [Link to DiatomBase]
Cymatopleura solea (Brebisson in Brebisson & Godey) W. Smith 1851 [Link to DiatomBase]
Cymatopleura solea f. angulosa Cleve-Euler 1952 [Link to DiatomBase]
Cymatopleura solea f. baicalensis (Skvortzow & Meyer) Zabelina et al. 1951 [Link to DiatomBase]
Cymatopleura solea f. curta Skvortzow 1971 [Link to DiatomBase]
Cymatopleura solea f. marina according to Cleve-Euler 1952
Cymatopleura solea f. regula (Ehrenberg) Hustedt 1957 [Link to DiatomBase]
Cymatopleura solea f. striolata Cleve-Euler 1952 [Link to DiatomBase]
Cymatopleura solea var. angusta Hustedt 1925 [Link to DiatomBase]
Cymatopleura solea var. apiculata (W. Smith) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861 [Link to DiatomBase]
Cymatopleura solea var. graciloides Cleve-Euler 1952 [Link to DiatomBase]
Cymatopleura solea var. intermedia (Peragallo & Peragallo) Cleve-Euler 1952 [Link to DiatomBase]
Cymatopleura solea var. jeniseyensis Skvortzow 1971 [Link to DiatomBase]
Cymatopleura solea var. kochii (Pantocsek) Cleve-Euler 1952 [Link to DiatomBase]
Cymatopleura solea var. marginata Jurilj 1957 [Link to DiatomBase]
Cymatopleura solea var. obtusata Jurilj 1948 [Link to DiatomBase]
Cymatopleura solea var. palffyi (Pantocsek) Cleve-Euler 1952 [Link to DiatomBase]
Cymatopleura solea var. parallela (W. Smith) Cleve-Euler 1952 [Link to DiatomBase]
Cymatopleura solea subsp. regula (Ehrenberg) Skabichevskii 1960