Gomphonema abbreviatum f. inflata Hustedt 1953 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema abbreviatum f. inflata Hustedt 1953 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema abbreviatum f. minor Krishnamurthy 1954 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema abbreviatum var. genuinum Cleve-Euler 1955 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema abbreviatum var. japonicum Skvortzov & Noda 1971 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema abbreviatum var. pulneyensis Krischnumurthy 1954 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema abbreviatum var. ventrale M.B. Florin in Cleve-Euler 1955 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema acidoclinatiforme D. Metzeltin & Lange-Bertalot 2002 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema acidoclinatum Lange-Bertalot & E. Reichardt in Werum & Lange-Bertalot 2004 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema aciforme Kociolek, Spaulding, Sabbe & Vyverman 2004 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema aculeiferum Kociolek & Stoermer 1990 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema acuminatum f. dippelii Woodhead & Tweed 1960 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema acuminatum f. malayensis Hustedt 1942 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema acuminatum f. malayensis Hustedt 1942 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema acuminatum f. tenuis (Cleve-Euler) Cleve-Euler 1955 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema acuminatum f. typica Cleve-Euler 1955 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema acuminatum var. biventralis (biventrale) (Heribaud & M. Peragallo in Heribaud) VanLandingham 1971 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema acuminatum var. hybrida Cleve-Euler 1939 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema acuminatum var. sinica Skvortzow 1935 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema acuminatum var. sphaerophora Stoermer & Kreis 1978 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema acuminatum var. spoliata Frenguelli 1942 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema acuminatum var. tibeticum Jao 1964 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema acuminatum var. tibeticum Jao 1964 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema acuminatum var. tibeticum Jao 1964 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema acuminatum var. vanheurckii (Pantocsek) Cleve-Euler 1939 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema acutiusculum (Otto Müller) Cleve-Euler 1955 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema acutiusculum f. minor Foged 1981 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema adductum Hustedt 1965 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema adductum Hustedt 1965 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema adductum Hustedt 1965 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema aequatoriale Hustedt 1949 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema aequatoriale Hustedt 1949 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema aequirostrum Metzeltin et Lange-Bertalot 1998 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema affine f. lanceolatum (Manguin) Germain & Le Cohu 1981 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema affine var. elongatum (Mayer) Millie & Lowe 1981 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema affine var. insignis (Gregory) Andrews 1970 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema affine var. kerguelenense (Manguin) Germain & Le Cohu 1981 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema affine var. rhombicum E. Reichardt 1999 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema affinopsis D. Metzeltin, Lange-Bertalot & F. García-Rodríguez 2005 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema afrhombicum E. Reichardt 2007 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema africanum f. turris Kufferath 1956 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema agnitum Hustedt 1965 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema agnitum Hustedt 1965 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema agnitum Hustedt 1965 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema alaskaensis Manguin 1961 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema alaskana Patrick & Freese 1961 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema alaskensis Manguin ex Kociolek & Reviers 1996 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema alfinitoanum D. Metzeltin & Lange-Bertalot 2007 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema alfinitoanum var. quinquestigmatum D. Metzeltin & Lange-Bertalot 2007 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema alineae Lange-Bertalot & Reichardt in Lange-Bertalot 1993 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema amerhombicum E. Reichardt 2007 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema americobtusatum E. Reichardt & Lange-Bertalot apud E. Reichardt 1999 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema amoenum Lange-Bertalot in Krammer & Lange-Bertalot 1985 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema amoenum Lange-Bertalot in Krammer & Lange-Bertalot 1985 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema andinum E.A. Morales & M.L. Vis 2007 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema anglicum Ehrenberg 2001 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema angustatum (Kützing) Rabenhorst 1985 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema angustatum f. affine Manguin 1949 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema angustatum f. indica Gandhi 1960 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema angustatum f. kerguelenensis Maillard in Le Cohu & Maillard 1986 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema angustatum f. productum (Grunow) Mayer 1940 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema angustatum f. productum (Grunow) Mayer 1940 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema angustatum f. sarcophagus (Gregory) Hustedt 1957 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema angustatum f. typica Cleve-Euler 1955 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema angustatum f. undata Cleve-Euler 1955 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema angustatum f. undulata (Grunow) Hustedt 1942 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema angustatum f. undulata Hustedt 1942 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema angustatum f. undulata Stoermer & Kreis 1978 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema angustatum var. citera (Hohn & Hellerman) Patrick in Patrick & Reimer 1975 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema angustatum var. clinostriatum Cleve-Euler 1955
Gomphonema angustatum var. cymbelloides Fusey 1951 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema angustatum var. distans (Cleve-Euler) Cleve-Euler 1955 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema angustatum var. naviculoides Manguin in Bourrelly & Manguin 1952 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema angustatum var. parallelum Cleve-Euler 1955 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema angustatum var. peruvianum Manguin 1964 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema angusticephalum E. Reichardt & Lange-Bertalot apud E. Reichardt 1999 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema angustissimum Hustedt 1942 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema angustissimum Hustedt 1942 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema angustissimum var. africanum Cholnoky 1959 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema angustiundulatum D. Metzeltin, Lange-Bertalot & S. Nergui 2009 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema angustius Reichardt 2009 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema angustivalva Reichardt 1997 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema apicetrapezon Kufferath 1956 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema apuncto Wallace 1960 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema archaevibrio Lange-Bertalot & Reichardt in Reichardt 1995 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema archaevibrio f. cuneatum D. Metzeltin & Lange-Bertalot 1998 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema archaevibrio subsp. acutivertex D. Metzeltin & Lange-Bertalot 2007
Gomphonema archaevibrio subsp. cuneatum (Metzeltin & Lange-Bertalot) D. Metzeltin & Lange-Bertalot 2007
Gomphonema astridiae ('astridae') E. Reichardt & Lange-Bertalot apud E. Reichardt 1999 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema asymmetricum Carter 1966 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema augur f. elongata Skvortzov et Noda 1971 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema augur f. fossilis Manguin 1952 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema augur var. crassa Stone in McLaughlin & Stone 1986 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema augur var. marisiensis Robert 1962 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema augur var. okamurae Skvortzow 1937 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema augur var. sinica Skvortzow 1946 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema augur var. sphaerophorum (Ehrenberg) Lange-Bertalot in Krammer & Lange-Bertalot 1985 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema augur var. turris (Ehrenberg) Lange-Bertalot in Krammer & Lange-Bertalot 1985 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema augur var. turris (Ehrenberg) Lange-Bertalot in Krammer & Lange-Bertalot 1985 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema bacillare Cleve-Euler 1955 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema baicalense (baicalensis) (Skvortzow & Meyer) Proschkina-Lavrenko 1950 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema balatonis var. lanceolata Gandhi 1960 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema balcanicum Z. Levkov & S. Krstic in Levkov, Krstic, Metzeltin & Nakov 2007 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema barrowiana Patrick & Freese 1961 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema batei D. Metzeltin, Lange-Bertalot & F. García-Rodríguez 2005 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema bavaricum Reichardt & Lange-Bertalot 1991 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema bergeri E. Reichardt 2007 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema berggreni var. densistriata Skvortzov & Noda 1971 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema bergii var. stauroneiforme Jasnitsky 1936 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema biceps Meister (1934) 1935 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema biconfusum VanLandingham 1971 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema bipunctata (bipunctatum) Krasske 1943 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema bipunctata (bipunctatum) Krasske 1943 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema blancheanum Maillard 1978 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema blancheanum Maillard 1978 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema blandiculum Kociolek & Stoermer 1990 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema bohemicum subsp. angustiminus E. Reichardt 1999 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema boreale var. minor Foged 1953 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema bourbonense Reichardt 1997 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema bourrellyi Manguin 1962 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema bourrellyi Manguin ex Kociolek & Reviers 1996 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema bourrellyi var. stricta Maillard 1978 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema bozenae Lange-Bertalot et Reichardt in Lange-Bertalot & Metzeltin 1996 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema brasiliense Grunow 1960 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema brasiliense f. obtusa Manguin 1949 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema brasiliense var. acuta Manguin in Bourrelly & Manguin 1952 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema brasiliense var. rhombiformis Manguin 1952 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema brasiliense var. subclavata Manguin 1952 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema brasiliense subsp. pacificum G. Moser, Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 1998
Gomphonema brasiliensoides D. Metzeltin, Lange-Bertalot & F. García-Rodríguez 2005 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema butantana Krasske 1948 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema butantana Krasske 1948 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema calcifugum Lange-Bertalot & E. Reichardt apud Lange-Bertalot & S.I. Genkal in Lange-Bertalot (ed.) 1999 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema camburnii Metzeltin et Lange-Bertalot 1998 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema candelariae var. lanceolata Frenguelli 1934 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema caperatum Ponader & Potapova 2017
Gomphonema caperatum Ponader & Potapova 2017 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema capitatum Ehrenberg 2001 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema capitatum var. macilentum (J.P. Kociolek et E.F. Stoermer) E. Reichardt 2001 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema capsulare J.A. Ress, E.W. Thomas & Kociolek 2016 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema capsulare J.A. Ress, E.W. Thomas & Kociolek 2016
Gomphonema carlsenii Foged 1964 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema carolinense Hagelstein (1939) 1938 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema catarinensis Krasske 1948 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema catarinensis Krasske 1948 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema catarinensis f. minor Krasske 1948 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema catarinensis f. minor Krasske 1948 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema catarinensis var. misionera Frenguelli 1953 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema cathedralis Lange-Bertalot et Reichardt in Lange-Bertalot & Metzeltin 1996 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema charcotii var. symetrica Manguin 1960 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema cholnokyi Passy, Kociolek et Lowe 1997 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema cholnokyites VanLandingham 1964 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema christenseni Lowe & Kociolek 1984 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema chubichuense ('chubichuensis') I. Jüttner & E.J. Cox in I. Jüttner, E.J. Cox, & Ormerod 2000 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema chubichuense ('chubichuensis') I. Jüttner & E.J. Cox in I. Jüttner, E.J. Cox, & Ormerod 2000 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema citera Hohn & Hellerman 1963 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema clarkii Gasse 1980 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema clava E. Reichardt 2001 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema clavatoides Gandhi 1960 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema clavatoides var. valida Gandhi 1960 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema clavatulum E. Reichardt 1999 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema clevei f. acuta Gandhi 1966 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema clevei f. heterovalvata Voigt 1942 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema clevei var. bipunctata Gandhi 1959 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema clevei var. inaequilongum H. Kobayashi 1965 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema clevei var. javanica Hustedt 1938 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema clevei var. javanica Hustedt 1938 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema clevei var. sinensis Voigt 1942 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema clevei var. undulata Gandhi 1966 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema consector Hohn & Hellerman 1963 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema constrictum f. angusta Cleve-Euler 1948 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema constrictum f. bipunctata Kufferath 1957 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema constrictum f. capitata (Ehrenberg) Hustedt 1957 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema constrictum f. clavata (Ehrenberg) Cleve-Euler 1955 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema constrictum f. elongata (A. Cleve) Cleve-Euler 1955 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema constrictum f. italica (Kützing) Foged 1964 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema constrictum f. minima Kufferath 1934 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema constrictum f. typica Cleve-Euler 1955 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema constrictum var. gautieri (gautierii) (Van Heurck) Cholnoky 1960 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema constrictum var. hedinii (Hustedt) Zabelina in Zabelina et al. 1951 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema constrictum var. indica Gandhi 1960 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema constrictum var. peruvianum Manguin 1964 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema constrictum var. romanica Serbanescu & Serbanescu 1958 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema contraturris Lange-Bertalot & Reichardt in Lange-Bertalot 1993 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema correntinum Frenguelli 1933 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema corsicum E. Reichardt 2007 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema costei Metzeltin et Lange-Bertalot 1998 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema costulatum Jasnitsky 1936 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema crassicingulatum G. Moser, Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 1998 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema crocodilei Kociolek, Passy et Lowe in Passy, Kociolek & Lowe 1997 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema crucifera Edsbagge 1968 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema cumrhis Hohn & Hellerman 1963 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema cuneolus Reichardt 1997 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema curatorum E.Re ichardt 2015 2015
Gomphonema curtum Hustedt 1945 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema curtum Hustedt 1945 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema cyclocephalum Torka 1933 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema cymbelliclinum E. Reichardt & Lange-Bertalot apud E. Reichardt 1999 [Link to DiatomBase]
Gomphonema cymbelloides Frenguelli & Orlando 1958 [Link to DiatomBase]