Stenopterobia anceps subsp. gigantea D. Metzeltin & Lange-Bertalot 2007
Stenopterobia arctica Cleve-Euler 1939 [Link to DiatomBase]
Stenopterobia armata Lange-Bertalot et Steindorf in Moser, Steindorf & Lange-Bertalot 1995 [Link to DiatomBase]
Stenopterobia capitata (Fontell) Lange-Bertalot et Metzeltin 1996 [Link to DiatomBase]
Stenopterobia cataractarum Cocq uyt & J.C.Taylor 2014 2014
Stenopterobia chilensis Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin in D. Metzeltin & Lange-Bertalot 2007 [Link to DiatomBase]
Stenopterobia crassior (Carter) G. Moser, Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 1998 [Link to DiatomBase]
Stenopterobia curvula (W. Smith) Krammer in Lange-Bertalot & Krammer 1987 [Link to DiatomBase]
Stenopterobia cuspidata (Hustedt) Vyverman 1989 [Link to DiatomBase]
Stenopterobia cuspidata var. giluwensis Vyverman 1989 [Link to DiatomBase]
Stenopterobia densestriata (Hustedt) Krammer in Lange-Bertalot & Krammer 1987 [Link to DiatomBase]
Stenopterobia eximia G. Moser, Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 1998 [Link to DiatomBase]
Stenopterobia hullii D. Metzeltin & Lange-Bertalot 2007 [Link to DiatomBase]
Stenopterobia intermedia f. undulata Sovereign 1963 [Link to DiatomBase]
Stenopterobia intermedia var. genuina Cleve-Euler 1952 [Link to DiatomBase]
Stenopterobia krammeri Metzeltin et Lange-Bertalot 1998 [Link to DiatomBase]
Stenopterobia minuscula G. Moser, Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 1998 [Link to DiatomBase]
Stenopterobia muscicola Lange-Bertalot in Lange-Bertalot, Kulbs, Lauser, Norpel-Schempp & Willmann 1996 [Link to DiatomBase]
Stenopterobia neotropica D. Metzeltin & Lange-Bertalot 2007 [Link to DiatomBase]
Stenopterobia pelagica Hustedt 1942 [Link to DiatomBase]
Stenopterobia pelagica Hustedt 1942 [Link to DiatomBase]
Stenopterobia pelagica Hustedt 1942 [Link to DiatomBase]
Stenopterobia planctonica Metzeltin et Lange-Bertalot 1998 [Link to DiatomBase]
Stenopterobia pseudodelicatissima P. Siver & P.B. Hamilton 2005 [Link to DiatomBase]
Stenopterobia pumila Lange-Bertalot & Rumrich in U. Rumrich, Lange-Bertalot & M. Rumrich 2000 [Link to DiatomBase]
Stenopterobia rautenbachiae Cholnoky 1957 [Link to DiatomBase]
Stenopterobia rautenbachiae Cholnoky 1958 [Link to DiatomBase]
Stenopterobia recta Woodhead & Tweed 1958 [Link to DiatomBase]
Stenopterobia robusta Hustedt 1942 [Link to DiatomBase]
Stenopterobia robusta Hustedt 1942 [Link to DiatomBase]
Stenopterobia robusta Hustedt 1942 [Link to DiatomBase]
Stenopterobia ruppeliana Moser, Lange-Bertalot et Steindorf in Moser, Steindorf & Lange-Bertalot 1995 [Link to DiatomBase]
Stenopterobia schweickerdtii (Cholnoky) Brassac, Ludwig et Torgan 2003 [Link to DiatomBase]
Stenopterobia scolopendra G. Moser, Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 1998 [Link to DiatomBase]
Stenopterobia sigmatella (Gregory) R. Ross in Hartley 1986 [Link to DiatomBase]
Stenopterobia sigmatella var. capitata (Fontell) R. Ross in Hartley 1986 [Link to DiatomBase]
Stenopterobia sigmoidea Skvortzov 1976 [Link to DiatomBase]